Waziper Setting

Waziper Setting

Waziper Setting
Waziper Setting

Waziper Setting


 Settings / General

Website info

  • Website title: Site title.
  • Website description: Site description
  • Website keyword: Site keywords

Change logo for script

You can change your logo and favicon from this section.

  • Website favicon: Site favicon.
  • Website logo mark: Site logo mark
  • Website logo color: Site logo color
  • Website logo light: Site logo light
  • Website logo black: Site logo black

Change Date and Time Formats

Change the Backend and Frontend interface

 Settings / Appearance

You can make your visual settings from this section.

i :    Please clear cache to update: Ctrl + Shift + R

Backend configure

Where to set: Sidebar type, Theme color and Sidebar icon color

  • Sidebar type: You can set sidebar
  • Theme color: You can set  theme color
  • Sidebar icon color: You can set sidebar icon color

Frontend themes

You can purchase and install the themes for the website here

File manager

 Settings / File manager

Image management and editing features

File manager

  • Medias per page: Set number of Medias per page
  • Allow file extensions: You can set the file types allowed to use
  • Allow upload file via url: You can enable & disable allow upload file via url with this option.

Adobe Express – Image editor

  • Status: You can enable & disable Adobe Express – Image editor with this option.
  • Client ID: You can set Adobe Express ID
Click this link to create Adobe Express app:
REDIRECT URI: https://yourdomain.com
REDIRECT URI PATTERN: https://yourdomain\.com

Google Drive

  • Status: You can enable and disable file management using Google Drive with this option.
  • Client ID: You can set Google Client ID
Click this link to create Google app:


  • Status: You can enable and disable file management using dropbox with this option.
  • Client ID: You can set Dropbox API Key
Click this link to create Dropbox app:


  • Status: You can enable and disable file management using onedrive with this option.
  • Client ID: You can set OneDrive API Key

Payment configuration

 Settings / Payment configuration


General settings for payments

  • Environment: Environment
  • Currency: Currency
  • Symbol: Symbol


  • One-time payment status: Set up One-time payment
  • Recurring payment status: Set up Recurring payment
  • Client ID: Set up Client ID
  • Client Secret Key: Set up Client Secret Key
  • Webhook ID: Set up Webhook ID
Webhook URL: https://yourdomain.com/paypal_recurring/webhook
Required events: Payment sale completed, Billing subscription cancelled


  • One-time payment status: Set up One-time payment
  • Recurring payment status: Set up Recurring payment
  • Publishable key: Set up Publishable key
  • Secret key: Set up Secret key
  • Webhook ID: Set up Webhook ID
Webhook URL: https://yourdomain.com/stripe_recurring/webhook
invoice.payment_succeeded, customer.subscription.deleted


  • One-time payment status: You can enable and disable
  • Public key: Set up Public key
  • Client Secret Key: Set up Client Secret Key
Webhook URL: https://yourdomain.com/coinpayments/webhook


  • Status: You can enable and disable using OpenAI with this option.
  • Open AI API keys: Set up Open AI API keys
Get OpenAI access token at here:


Beamer notification

  • Status: You can enable and disable using Beamer with this option.
  • Beamer product ID: Set up Beamer ID
Get Beamer product id at here:
Set field HTML SELECTOR is beamer-notification at here: https://app.getbeamer.com/settings

Backend – Popup notification

Popup showing in admin

  • Status: You can enable and disable using Beamer with this option.
  • Poupup ID: Change ID to clear cache
  • Display again (minute): Time for popup to show again
  • Content: Set popup content

Frontend – Popup notification

Popup displayed to website visitors

  • Status: You can enable and disable using Beamer with this option.
  • Poupup ID: Change ID to clear cache
  • Display again (minute): Time for popup to show again
  • Content: Set popup content


Email Configuration

 Settings / Email Configuration

Email template

List of installed email templates

Email contents

  • Activation email: Set email subject and content
  • Welcome email: Set email subject and content
  • Forgot password email: Set email subject and content
  • Renewal reminders email: Set email subject and content
  • Paypent success email: Set email subject and content

Configure mail server

Set up a list of emails and you want to use


Login & Auth

Set the locations you want to authenticate

  • Signup page: Enable or Disable
  • Activation email for new user: Enable or Disable
  • Welcome email for new user: Enable or Disable
  • User can change email: Enable or Disable
  • Phone number field for signup page: Enable or Disable

Google reCaptcha V2

  • Status: Enable or Disable
  • Google site key: set Google site key
  • Google secret key: set Google secret key

Facebook login

  • Status: Enable or Disable
  • Facebook app id: set Facebook app id
  • Facebook app secret: set Facebook app secret
  • Facebook app version: set Facebook app version
Callback URL:


Click this link to create Facebook app:


Google login

  • Status: Enable or Disable
  • Google client id: set Google client id
  • Google client secret: set Google client secret
Callback URL:


Click this link to create Google app:


Twitter login

  • Status: Enable or Disable
  • Twitter client id: set Twitter client id
  • Twitter client secret: set Twitter client secret
Callback URL:


Click this link to create Twitter app:


 Settings / Shortlink


  • Status: Enable or Disable
  • Client id: set Client id
  • Client secret: set Client secret
Callback URL:


Click this link to create Bitly app:


Social pages

 Settings / Social pages

  • Facebook: Set up your Facebook page
  • Instagram: Set up your Instagram page
  • Youtube: Set up your Youtube page
  • Tiktok: Set up your Tiktokpage
  • Twitter: Set up your Twitter page
  • Pinterest: Set up your Pinterestpage

Proxy system

 Settings / Proxy system

Set up your proxy list

Set up accounts connected to proxies


 Settings / Crons

List of crons



 Settings / Language

Set the languages you want to use. The system will automatically use google translate for the entire script.

You can translate it back to your language

You can import your language

Social network settings

 Settings / Social network settings

WhatsApp API Configuration

  • Status: Enable or Disable
  • WhatsApp Server URL: set up server domain


Other Settings

 Settings / Other

  • Redirect HTTP to HTTPS automatically: Enable or Disable


This feature may cause the website to stop functioning. Therefore, make sure that SSL has been installed on this domain.

GDPR Cookie Consent

  • Status: Enable or Disable

Embed code

  • Status: Enable or Disable

Terms of Use

Set up Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Settings+